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  • 差分探頭| P7340A

    差分探頭| P7340A ?Versatility ?Make Differential or Single-ended (Ground-referenced) Measurements*1 ?Solder-down Capability ?Handheld Probing with Variable Spacing and Compliance ?Fixtured Probing ?

  • 差分探頭|P7360A

    差分探頭|P7360A Tektronix has created a revolutionary Z-Active probe architecture that sets the industry benchmark for signal fidelity. Tektronix active probe architecture preserves high bandwidth while

  • 差分探頭| P7380A

    差分探頭| P7380A ?12.5 GHz Bandwidth (P7313, Typical) ?8.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7380A, Typical) ?6.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7360A, Typical) ?4.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7340A, Typical) ?Extended Linear Dynamic Range

  • 差分探頭| P7313

    差分探頭| P7313 Tektronix has created a revolutionary Z-Active probe architecture that sets the industry benchmark for signal fidelity. Tektronix active probe architecture preserves high bandwidth while

  • 差分探頭| P7380SMA

    差分探頭| P7380SMA Tektronix Differential SMA Probes also provide a common mode DC voltage input to the termination network. The termination voltage can be supplied either externally by the user or inter

  • 差分探頭| P7313SMA

    差分探頭| P7313SMA ?13.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7313SMA only, typical) ?8.0 GHz Bandwidth (P7380SMA only, typical) ?50 ? Termination Network, Differential SMA Inputs ?Industry-leading Differential Return

  • 差分探頭| P7500

    差分探頭| P7500?3.5 GHz and 1.5 GHz Bandwidth Models – Accurate Measurements for Serial and Digital Applications ?Excellent Common Mode Rejection – Reduces Measurement Errors in Higher Common Environment

  • 差分探頭| TDP1500

    差分探頭| TDP1500 ?3.5 GHz and 1.5 GHz Bandwidth Models – Accurate Measurements for Serial and Digital Applications ?Excellent Common Mode Rejection – Reduces Measurement Errors in Higher Common Environ

  • 差分探頭| P6330

    差分探頭| P6330 ?Communications (Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, InfiniBand) ?Semiconductor Characterization and Validation ?PCI Express ?Serial ATA ?IEEE 1394 ?USB 2.0 (The P7350 is not recommende

  • 差分探頭| P7330

    差分探頭| P7330 ?100 ps Rise Time (P7350 guaranteed) ?5 GHz to 3.5 GHz Bandwidths (typical) ?Low Input Capacitance: ?0.3 pF Differential (P7350 typical) ?≥60 dB (1000:1) Common Mode Rejection Ratio

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